Php : Mysqli - Data Type and Where Conditions with Multiple ID


I have table product

id |  Name |  catid  |

1  |  A    |    2
2  |  B    |    2
3  |  c    |    2
4  |  D    |    2
5  |  ch   |    2
7  |  kj   |    2

where id is primary key of product table

Above id get reopen multiple time

reopen table :

re_id |  testName      |  catid  |  product_id  |

1     |  not okk       |    2    |   1,2,3,4    |
2     |  not okk       |    2    |   5,7        |

where re_id is primary key

I want .. can i insert multiple value ( how i have shown 1,2,3,4) so that i can get list with WHERE IN condition.

Want to know its safe to use such condition in DB

How i can insert multiple id in single field. and what should be data type

Update :

Below is possible ?

"INSERT INTO reopen (testname,catid,product_id) VALUES ('not okk','2','1,2,3,4') "


"SELECT * FROM reopen WHERE product_id IN (1,2,3,4)"
Naeel Maqsudov

If you don't want to use native support of referental integrity, you may store a list of values in a varchar field.

In my oppinion it is much better to (follow canonical way) create one more table for multiple links between and

reopen_id | product_id
1         | 1
1         | 2
1         | 3
1         | 4
2         | 5
2         | 7

By adding composite key on both fields you make duplicate links impossible. To insers data you may use multiple-row insert command INSERRT INTO links (1,1),(1,2)…

For WHERE-conditions you may use normal IN operator

You do not need any text manipulations and it makes queries faster

There is no any limitation to a number of values in the list.

Storage is more optimal in this case


See sqlfiddle

Collected from the Internet

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