mysql select query only showing one data in php


so I'm trying to show data from my sql table. There are two data but only one of them shows when I try to open my php page. here's my codes :

    include ("koneksi.php");

    // $username=$_GET['username'];

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_penyakit_user WHERE username='Dia'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );

    echo " penyakit: ".$row['penyakit'];


I tried to run the select query on phpmyadmin an it showed 2 data. Thanks in advance

Chris Forrence

mysql_fetch_array only gets one array at a time. To properly get all available rows, put it in a while-loop like so:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo " penyakit: " . $row['penyakit'];

As an aside, however, please note that the mysql_* functions are considered deprecated, and should not be used in future development. (Here's why)

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