How do I convert txt file to xml?


What I am trying to do is convert my .txt file to xml. I get everything together inside of one tag rather that it being each one in their own tags.

$fp = fopen('notes.txt', 'r');
$xml = new XMLWriter;
while ($line = fgetcsv($fp)) {
   $xml->writeElement('dateTime', $line[0]);
   $xml->writeElement('Operation', $line[1]);
   $xml->writeElement('table', $line[2]);
   $xml->writeElement('user', $line[3]);

This is what I get:

  <dateTime>2014-03-26 02:43:32     Insert     Products     Admin</dateTime>
  <dateTime>2014-03-26 02:53:04     Insert     Products     Admin</dateTime>
  <dateTime>2014-03-26 02:58:13     Insert     Products     Admin</dateTime>

Time is in it's correct tag, but "insert" is supposed to be in operation, "products" in table and "admin" in user. How can I fix this so that it places it in correctly?

This is my .txt file:

2014-03-26 02:43:32     Insert     Products     Admin
2014-03-26 02:53:04     Insert     Products     Admin
2014-03-26 02:58:13     Insert     Products     Admin

You should either change the txt file to use a "," as delimiter or configure one for fgetcsv():

$fp = fopen('notes.txt', 'r');
$xml = new XMLWriter;
while ($line = fgetcsv($fp, 0, "\t")) {
   $xml->writeElement('dateTime', $line[0]);
   $xml->writeElement('Operation', $line[1]);
   $xml->writeElement('table', $line[2]);
   $xml->writeElement('user', $line[3]);

Collected from the Internet

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