Returning a String Endless Times

command = input("> ")
started = False

while True:
if command == "start":
  if started:
   print("car has already started") 
      started = True
      print("car started")
elif command == "stop":
    if not started:
        print("car has already stopped")
        started = False
        print("car is stopped")
elif command == "quit":

it renders "car has already started" infinite time when i state "start" and likewise with other inputs. how do i inhibit this? would be very helpful if you explain it in beginner terms, thank you!!


Male sure to add the input to thie while loop. In your case, it is just taking one input and then the value of command is fixed. So, it is an infinite loop.

But when you change the location and keep it inside the loop, every time it asks for the input, the value of command will change.

Also, .lower() will convert the input to lower case to remove case insensitivity

started = False

while True:
    command=input('>> ').lower()
    if command == "start":
        if started:
            print("car has already started") 
            started = True
            print("car started")
    elif command == "stop":
        if not started:
            print("car has already stopped")
            started = False
            print("car is stopped")
    elif command == "quit":

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