SQL insert data into a table from another table


I'm having a problem trying to insert some values into a table. I made an empty table with the fields

id(primary key) 

I have another table with


and another one with

id(coresponding to the association_id in the former one)

I want to insert the resource_id and association_id from the first populated table, where the image field of the coresponding id from the last table is not empty.

I tried this:

INSERT IGNORE INTO `logo_associations` (``,`association_id`,`resource_id`)
FROM doc24_associations_have_resources a
Join doc24_associations    An on a.association_id = An.id 
WHERE An.image<>''

but it does not work

Kevin Hogg

My experience is based on SQL Server but the SQL may be very similar

 INSERT INTO DestinationTable
        (association_id, resource_id)
 SELECT LNK.assocication_id,
   FROM LinkTable AS LNK
        INNER JOIN ImageTable AS IMG ON IMG.id = LNK.association_id
                   AND IMG.image IS NOT NULL

Above I assume the following:

  1. Tables are named DestinationTable, LinkTable, and ImageTable respectively
  2. In DestinationTable the primary key (id) is auto generated

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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