'&' is being shown as '_' in a string c#


I want to set the error message to text box using error provider.

 string strNotAllowedError = "The following characters are not allowed:  \' # & < > or \"";
 errorProvider1.SetError(this.txtbx1, strNotAllowedError);

but the on the screen error message is become like : The following characters are not allowed:'# _ < > or" Here & is replaced by _ Please let me know how to show & in error message as it is.


You need to double up the & character.

Traditionally, & in strings (that are going to be displayed in the windows UI) is used to precede the keyboard accelerator character. Which when rendered is underlined. If you'd not had a space after the &, you'd have seen whatever character followed underlined, rather than seeing it as the & being replaced by a _.

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