Replace enum with struct inside a class

Aritra B

I know this is an absolute sitter, but somehow I'm not getting the hang of it. Lets say, I have a class Person which is as follows -

    public class Person
        public Person( string name, Gender gender)
            this.Name = name;
            this.Gender = gender;

        //Member variables...

        private string _Name;
        public string Name
                return _Name;
                _Name = value;

        private Gender _Gender;
        public Gender Gender
                return _Gender;
                _Gender = value;

    public enum Gender
        Male = 0,
        Female = 1

I do not want the Gender to be an enum anymore, I want this to be replaced with a struct and in the same way as above want to pass it as an argument to the constructor of the Person class such that when I create a new object of person class I am able to assign the gender as well to that person. How do I do that?

Thank you.


I still don't get why you have to do this, but if you should you can do something like this:

    class Person
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public Gender Gender { get; private set; }

        public Person(string name, Gender gender)
            Name = name;
            Gender = gender;

    struct Gender
        private int _type;

        public bool IsMale
            get { return _type == 0; }
            set { _type = value ? 0 : 1; }

        public bool IsFemale
            get { return _type == 1; }
            set { _type = value ? 1 : 0; }

And to use it:

        var p1 = new Person("John", new Gender {IsMale = true});
        var p2 = new Person("Jane", new Gender {IsFemale = true});

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