C++ Array Class Definition and Implementation, Not Declared in Scope?


So I've been working on this all day and it almost works, but when I compile it with GCC it gives me three error messages:

arrayClassDriver.cpp:11: error: 'arrayClass' was not declared in this scope
arrayClassDriver.cpp:11: error: expected ';' before 'test'
arrayClassDriver.cpp:13: error: 'test' was not declared in this scope

Obviously it thinks arrayClass (the class instance) is a variable. How can I fix this?

Here's my definition of my class:

//Pre and Post Conditions
//arrayClass(int inputSize);
//Pre: A user defined int inputSize.
//Post: An array with size = inputSize has been created.

//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: The array has been deleted.

//void display();
//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: List of all the values from the array.

//void resize(int newSize);
//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: An array with the new size defined by the user.

//int& operator[](int location);
//Pre: None.
//Post: An operator which allows the programmer to access the array.

//int findMaxValue();
//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: The max value of the array is returned.

//int findMinValue();
//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: The min value of the array is returned.

//void sort();
//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: A sorted array ready to be searched.

//int search(int key);
//Pre: A dynamically created array.
//Post: The sought value is returned.


#include <iostream>

namespace arrayClass_Namespace
    class arrayClass
            int *arr;
            const static int MAX_SIZE = 1000;
            int size;
            arrayClass(int inputSize);

            void display() const;
            void resize(int newSize);

            int& operator[](int);

            int findMaxValue();
            int findMinValue();
            void sort();
            int search(int key);


Here's my implementation (I know I haven't written the code for the sort or the search yet):

#include <cassert>
#include "arrayClass.h"

arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::arrayClass(int inputSize)
    assert(inputSize < MAX_SIZE);
    size = inputSize;
    arr = new int[size];

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
        arr[index] = 0;

    delete[] arr;
    arr = NULL;

void arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::display() const
    std::cout << "\nIndex" << "\t" << "Value";

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
        std::cout << index << "\t" << arr[index];

int& arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::operator[](int location)
    assert(0 <= location && location < size);
    return arr[location];

int arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::findMaxValue()
    int max = 0;

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
        if (max < arr[index])
            max = arr[index];
        else if (max > arr[index])
            max = max;

int arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::findMinValue()
    int min = arr[1];

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
        if (min > arr[index])
            min = arr[index];
        else if (min < arr[index])
            min = min;

void arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::sort()


int arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass::search(int key)


And finally, here's my driver (still need to add a few things, but I wanted to do this first):

#include <cstdlib>
#include "arrayClass.h"

int main()
    arrayClass test(10);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Besides that, am I using the display member function correctly? It's been a little while since I've worked with classes, so any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Vlad from Moscow

You forgot to specify namespace for arrayClass in this statement

arrayClass test(10);

Shall be

arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass test(10);

Or you could write

#include <cstdlib>
#include "arrayClass.h"

int main()
    using arrayClass_Namespace::arrayClass;

    arrayClass test(10);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Collected from the Internet

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