callback function in javascript replace() is not called


I would like to replace the domain of a cookie string:

var cookieText = 'test=value; path=/;';

cookieText.replace(/[Dd]omain=(\.?)([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*);/, function(match, dot, domain){
    return dot + myfunction(domain)

But it seems mycallback function is never called. What is wrong with the code?

Danilo Valente

That's because you regex doesn't match any substring in your cookieText string. This happens because you pattern expects a ; at the end of each substring, but that doesn't happen to Try this regex instead:


Then it will work:

var cookieText = 'test=value; path=/;';

cookieText.replace(/[Dd]omain=(\.?)([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*);/, function(match, dot, domain){
    return dot + myfunction(domain);

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