Javascript - Replace more than one value


I have a problem with my script. I want to replace all spaces with +.

The script works with the first space, e.g. for Crazy dog:


But with a third word it does no longer work, e.g. for Crazy dog cat:

Crazy+dog cat

I'm using the following JavaScript code:

function search() {
    location.href = 'buscar/'+document.getElementById('appendedInputButton').value.replace(' ','+');

I searched how to do it, but nothing works me, I have not much experience with JavaScript.


Sorry for the repost, I tried using the / ... / but it did not work as expected. Now I know, I should be working more with encodeURI.


The best way is to use regular expression with g flag to replace all occurrences.

<script type='text/javascript'>
    function search()
        location.href = 'buscar/'+document.getElementById('appendedInputButton').value.replace(/\s+/g, '+');

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