Looping jQuery animation issue?

Hunter Mitchell

I have been stuck on this for a while, and I really do not understand the best way to do what I am trying to do.

I have a 2 Divs, (Keep in mind i might need more). I want only div 1 to be displayed at first, then when I press an arrow on the first div, it slides to the left, and a second div appears (sliding in from the right). How would I do this to loop? I thought I could use css3, but that did not work very well.

Here is what I have got so far: enter link description here

This is the jQuery, but it only handles One arrow:

$('.arrow-right').click(function () {  
    // Slide div to left, and slide new from right ... repeat/Loop
        left: "-999%"
    }, 1000, function () {
        $("div1").css("block", "none");
            // Animate Right Div from right to left ... 

I have gotten the animation from left to right, but I am just not understanding how I can loop this animation (like a slider) and make a button click for each div I have.

Am I on the right track? (My experiance in jQuery is very slim especially in animating)



This is as close as I got to what I want, but I need it to loop, and I want to be able to add content without having to modify the jQuery too much. enter link description here

Samuel Liew


Set a global variable to 'lock' the script when it is animating.

isAnimating = false;

$('.wrapper').on('click', '.arrow-left', function() {
    // Check if the lock is on, if it is, cancel additional clicks
    if(isAnimating) return;

    // Lock the buttons to avoid multiple user-interaction when script is animating
    isAnimating = true;

    // Get the current displayed div and the next div to be animated in
    var $current = $(this).parents('.MovingDiv');
    var $next = $(this).parents('.MovingDiv').next();

    // Animate the current div out
        left: "-999%" // Animate to the left
    }, 1000, function() {
                // This doesn't really do anything important because the start point will be set again the next time the next time it is needed
                left: "999%"
            .appendTo('.wrapper'); // move to end of stack

        // Animate the next div in
                left: "999%" // set the start point from the right
                left: "0%" // complete animation in the middle of the page
            }, 1000, function() {
                isAnimating = false; // unlock the script when done

}).on('click', '.arrow-right', function() {
    if(isAnimating) return;

    isAnimating = true;
    var $current = $(this).parents('.MovingDiv');
    var $next = $(this).parents('.MovingDiv').siblings().last();

        left: "999%"
    }, 1000, function() {
            left: "-999%"

        $next.prependTo('.wrapper') // move to front of stack
                left: "-999%"
                left: "0%"
            }, 1000, function() {
                isAnimating = false;

Changed your CSS to:

.MovingDiv:first-child {
    display: block;
.MovingDiv {
    display: none;

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