Super() not working on my extends class


I'm pretty new in java and I'm doing a simple program but I don't know why I get an error in my program when I'm try to use super... Does anybody can explain me or what is my error, because it's not accepting super.myCoord() what should I change or add?

  public class myCoord {

    private double coorX, coorY;

    public myCoord(){
        coorX = 1;
        coorY = 1;

    public myCoord(double x,double y){
        coorX =  x;
        coorY = y;

    void setX(double x){
        coorX = x;

    void setY(double y){
        coorY = y;

    double getX(){
        return coorX;

    double getY(){
        return coorY;

    public String toString(){
        String nuevo = "("+coorX+", "+coorY+")";
        return nuevo;

    public class Coord3D extends myCoord{
        private double coorZ;

            super.myCoord(); // ---> I got an error here !!
            coorZ = 1;

        Coord3D(double x, double y, double z){
            super.myCoord(x,y);  ---> Also here !!
            coorZ = z;


        void setZ(double z){
            coorZ = z;

        double getZ(){
            return coorZ;


You should call methods, not constructors, using the dot (.) operator. Here you are calling super class' constructor using dot (.).

That's why you are getting errors like these:

The method myCoord() is undefined for the type myCoord


The method myCoord(double, double) is undefined for the type myCoord

Use these to call your super constructor: super(); and super(x,y); as shown below.

public class Coord3D extends myCoord {
    private double coorZ;

    Coord3D() {
        super(); // not super.myCoord(); its a constructor call not method call
        coorZ = 1;

    Coord3D(double x, double y, double z) {
        super(x,y);  // not super.myCoord(x,y); its a constructor call not method call
        coorZ = z;

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