Chrome/Chromium doesn't know JavaScript function Math.sign


For a scrolling feature I use some Math-functions:

transform: "rotateY("+(Math.sign(this._backlog)*Math.sqrt(Math.abs(this._backlog)))+"deg)"

While this works well in Firefox, it doesn't work in Chrome with following message:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'sign' 

Math.abs and Math.sqrt are working.

Which function I can use in Chrome?


Math.sign is only part of the draft specification for ES6 (§, which is incomplete. Support for as-yet-unspecified features is likely to be spotty from engine to engine.

MDN previously claimed that Chrome 32 supported this, but as far as I can tell that was simply wrong. My version of Chrome (36) does not support it, and MDN now claims that only FireFox supports this function:

But this is a pretty easy function to write yourself:

function sign(x){
    if( +x === x ) { // check if a number was given
        return (x === 0) ? x : (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
    return NaN;

NaN, +/-Infinity and -0 are handled correctly (sign(-0)==-0, sign(NaN)==NaN), and non-numeric inputs will return NaN. If you don't care about non-numeric inputs you can use this simplified one-liner (which still handles NaN, +/-Infinity and -0 but does not check the input type):

function sign(x){return x>0?1:x<0?-1:x;}

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