Java - Capture optional field with regexp?


I've a regex that correctly captures values from the result of a string.

regex is look like;

intGetHatSaatRenk_v22=anyType{SiraNo=(.*?); HatKodu=(.*?) ; GunTipi=(.*?); Gidis=(.*?); ? }; 

But the problem is the source is like;

intGetHatSaatRenk_v22=anyType{SiraNo=54; HatKodu=502 ; GunTipi=C; Gidis=12:00; RenkGidis=0000FF; }; 

intGetHatSaatRenk_v22=anyType{SiraNo=55; HatKodu=502 ; GunTipi=C; Gidis=12:07; }; intGetHatSaatRenk_v22=anyType{SiraNo=56; HatKodu=502 ; GunTipi=C; Gidis=12:14; };

as you can see there is an optional field that named RenkGidis, how can i get the value from RenkGidis if it's not null?

with the regex code that i wrote above, i can get if RenkGidis exists in group(4) like 12:00; RenkGidis=0000FF but group(4) must be only 12:00.

I hope that I could explain my problem.

Jonny 5

Might want to make the last group optional:


As a Java string:


At the last group ( ?: prevents the group to be captured into output. ( inside ) catpured as usual.

Also changed .*? to [^;\s]* (negation of [;\s] -> any characters, that are no white-space or ;)

As Alan mentioned in the comments, for not getting a null match for the optional part, e.g. just make RenkGidis optional and wrap the value in an alternation with nothing: ([^;\s]*;|)


As a Java string:


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