Where shall I put my util shell scripts in linux


I have read the Linux FHS, but still feel a little confuse. If I have some utility shell scripts, shall I put them in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin or ~/bin?

The FHS says the most user commands goes to /usr/bin, but it also says that administrater should install unpackaged app or host specific stuff in /usr/local, does that means the /usr/local/bin is a better place for my own scripts? Maybe ~/bin is better? I want to know the best way / conventions to do this. Thanks

Matteo Italia

First of all, I wouldn't put anything unpackaged inside /usr/bin, there's already way too much mess in there without adding unpackaged stuff. Leave it to the package manager.

Now, if they are system-wide scripts, I would put them into /usr/local/bin, which is usually way less crowded, is accessible to everyone and editable only by root; if, instead, they are just for your user, you should put them into ~/bin.

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