Test whether a Sass function is defined


How can I test if a Sass function exists?

I have a Sass package that uses a custom Sass function. However, outside Ruby (e.g. libsass), that function may not be defined and a fallback is provided:

url: if($bootstrap-sass-asset-helper, twbs-font-path('name.eot'), 'name.eot')

I would like to set the value of $bootstrap-sass-asset-helper to true or false depending on whether twbs-font-path is declared.


The current version of Sass has a function-exists function. Full example:

.foo {
  @if function-exists(myfunc) {
    exists: true;
  @else {
    exists: false;

This is new functionality to v3.3 (March 2014), so you may need to update your Sass gem to utilize it.

Sass v3.3 adds other existence tests too:


More on Sass v3.3.

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