Parsing XML with pairs of elements using XDocument and LINQ


I am trying to use XDocument to parse an xml document, however I am pretty new to XML and have only primarily used JSON in the past. So far I can parse each report name but am stuck with trying to parse the parameter list. How do I parse the parameter list when theres no node differentiating the different parameters?

var reports = xml.Descendants("Report").Select(reportElement => new
    Name = reportElement.Attribute("Name").Value,
    Parameters = reportElement.Descendants("ParameterList").Select(parameter => new


    <Report Name="JobNotClose">
    <Report Name="JobWithoutSales">
Sergey Berezovskiy

You can use Enumerable.Zip to merge parameter names sequence with parameter values sequence:

var reports = from r in xml.Root.Elements("Report")
              let parameters = r.Element("ParameterList")
              select new {
                  Name = (string)r.Attribute("Name"),
                  Parameters = parameters.Elements("Name")
                                              (n,v) => new { 
                                                  Name = (string)n, 
                                                  Value = (string)v 

That gives following reports collection:

    "Name": "JobNotClose",
    "Parameters": [
        "Name": "@StationCode",
        "Value": "LAX"
        "Name": "@ShipmentType",
        "Value": "SE|SI"
    "Name": "JobWithoutSales",
    "Parameters": [
        "Name": "@StationCode",
        "Value": "PA"
        "Name": "@JobDateFrom",
        "Value": "2013-10-1"
        "Name": "@JobDateTo",
        "Value": "2013-10-31"

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