Using the Math.Pow function


I have a constructor that returns the result of two ints with a 'to the power of' operator. I am trying to use the math.pow method to do this but im not to sure how it work.

Here is my constructor

public int Power (int firstNumber, int secondNumber)
    result = Math.Pow(firstNumber, secondNumber);
    return result;

and the code that calls it

case "^":
    result = application.Power(firstInt, secondInt);
    labelResult.Text = ("" + result);

How do i use the Math.Pow method in this situation?

Michael Roy

As far as the error you're getting:

Math.Pow takes 2 doubles as arguments and returns a double. Your method is declared as returning an int. This means that result is an int. You need to cast the result of Math.Pow to int:

result = (int)Math.Pow(firstNumber, secondNumber);

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