Cant use cordova android in windows?

Michael Joseph Aubry

After hours of struggling I decided to reread the whole cordova documentation, I noticed this.

To add support or rebuild a project for any platform, you need to run the command-line interface from the same machine that supports the platform's SDK. The CLI supports the following combinations:

iOS (Mac)
Android (Mac, Linux) <------
BlackBerry 10 (Mac, Linux, Windows)
Windows Phone 7 (Windows)
Windows Phone 8 (Windows)
Windows 8 (Windows)
Firefox OS (Mac, Linux, Windows)

Is it true that I cant use the cli on windows for android? I have the SDK for android installed on my machine, so IDK why it doesn't say windows?

Are there any workarounds, should I avoid the cli and build my app myself?

The reason why I ask is in the cli I run cordova platform add android I get errors, and have done everything in my power for the last 10 hours to get it to work.


1) You can use CLI commands in windows OS. I personally develop for Android in windows.

2) Its highly recommended to use CLI as it makes the life easy for adding/removing any plugin usage.

3) For the CLI to work correctly, you may require to install Ant, NodeJS.

Collected from the Internet

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