Changing integer bits

Иван Божков

Ok, I have N = integer, P = position,V = 0 or 1 I have to change the bit at position P of integer N with the value V
I'm trying with
N = 5 (101)
P = 2 (takes the 1)
V = 0 (has to make it a zero)
and the result is 97 (1100 0001) (should be 0000 0001) I think the problem is from the mask because when I write it in the console its -5 (as it should be) but if I parse it, to see its bits I get an error (overflow)
the program is in the making so I'm currently working on V = 0 so don't try with 1
Yesterday I posted a question and a lot of people posted sh*t like "this is not a question - you want us to solve u your problem"
- No, I don't want you to solve me the problem I want to know why after int result = mask & integerBinary; I get 97 and not 1

using System;
class ChangeBit
    static void Main()
        Console.Write("(n) Type an integer: ");
        string integerLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
        Console.Write("(p) Type position: ");
        string positionLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
        Console.Write("(v) Type 0 or 1: ");
        string valueLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
        int value;
        int integer;
        int position;
        if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
            int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
            int bitValue = ((1 << position) & integerBinary) >> position;
            int mask = ~(1 << position);
            if (value==0)
            int result = mask & integerBinary;
            Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", result);
            else Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", integer);
        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
Konrad Kokosa

You are mixing binary string representation with binary integers:

int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));

after this line integerBinary is 101 because you have converted it from binary string representation "101" of 5. After that all integers operation are invalid as such 101 makes no sense.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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