Lightdm won't start automatically on boot

Christian Smorra

Every time I boot my PC Ubuntu keeps dropping me to TTY 1 where I have to log in and then do

sudo lightdm start

just to log in again, which is very annoying

I have already tried removing and re-adding it to update-rc.d

update-rc.d lightdm defaults

but it just does not work. Anyone got an idea which logfiles to check or what to do get it working again?

I use Mint 12 with Gnome3.

Christian Smorra

This is how I fixed this problem:

first you need to stop lightdm if it's running

sudo service lightdm stop

then you need to x server to create a fresh xorg.conf, I did this by renaming my old one

sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.old

then I deleted my current drivers

sudo aptitude remove --purge nvidia-current

IMPORTANT if you had or have drivers from the Nvidia site then you need to uninstall them as well. That means you will have to download them again if you dont have the .run file anymore and then do

[nvidia-installer] --uninstall

where nvidia-installer is the installer you just downloaded.

then you properly install the current drivers

sudo aptitude install nvidia-current

the next step would be to type


and hope for Gnome2 (or the default window manager of your distribution) to come up which worked for me. The reason for this error seemed to be some kind of conflict with X11 and the Nvidia drivers. While on boot time I got the error that the Nvidia Kernel module could not be loaded, I still was able to start lightdm once I was in TTY1.

The cause for this might have been that I previously had the 290 version of the Nvidia drivers installed and then downgraded to nvidia-current (280) via aptitude which might caused some leftovers to remain and conflict with the older drivers (290 vs 280).

Note that you will have to reconfigure your desktop environment after applying these steps.

If you don't get a graphics accelerated UI (ie Gnome3, Unity 3D) run

sudo nvidia-xconfig

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