Count specific vowels in a sentence


I've found a few instances of this but my question is slightly different.

I need to scan a sentence like

For letter in sentence
if letter == "a" or letter == "A": letterATotal = letterATotal + 1
elif letter == "e" or letter == "E": letterETotal = letterETotal + 1

etc all the way to U. But then I need to compare them all and print the line containing the most frequent so "the most frequent vowel is A occurring 5 times". Problem is I don't know how to display the actual letter. I can only display the number. Any ideas?


Look at this:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> mystr = "AaAaaEeEiOoouuu"
>>> a,b = Counter(c for c in mystr.lower() if c in "aeiou").most_common(1)[0]
>>> "the most frequent vowel is {} occurring {} times".format(a.upper(), b)
'the most frequent vowel is A occurring 5 times'

Here is a reference on collections.Counter.


Here is a step-by-step demonstration of what's going on:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> mystr = "AaAaaEeEiOoouuu"
>>> Counter(c for c in mystr.lower() if c in "aeiou")
Counter({'a': 5, 'o': 3, 'e': 3, 'u': 3, 'i': 1})
>>> # Get the top three most common
>>> Counter(c for c in mystr.lower() if c in "aeiou").most_common(3)
[('a', 5), ('o', 3), ('e', 3)]
>>> # Get the most common
>>> Counter(c for c in mystr.lower() if c in "aeiou").most_common(1)
[('a', 5)]
>>> Counter(c for c in mystr.lower() if c in "aeiou").most_common(1)[0]
('a', 5)
>>> a,b = Counter(c for c in mystr.lower() if c in "aeiou").most_common(1)[0]
>>> a
>>> b

Collected from the Internet

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