terminal command to record video

Mohammad Reza Rezwani

I have cheese software in order to record a video and also take a picture from my laptop camera. But when you open that. you should do two thing: 1.Select video recording among its default taking photo option) 2. start to play ( start to record)

I need a command line when you put it on the terminal. cheese start to recording video without any other mouse click.

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You can try avconv.

According to manpage for the avconv command Manpage icon

avconv is a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live audio/video source.

There are many options in avconv, but for recording the screen, the command would be like

avconv -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 50 -t 500 -i :0.0 ~/Videos/name.mp4


-f: format for input file, x11grab for recording screen
-s: resolution, can be axb(eg. 1024x768) or some predefined words like hd1080
-r: rate(or bitrate).
-t: time, as seconds(500) or HH:MM:SS.[XXX](eg 01:04:59 or 01:56:43.111)
-i: input, here :0.0 generally
Finally the output file name

Collected from the Internet

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