Upgrade Failure in FreePBX Installation


I'm building FreePBX from source over Asterisk asterisk-11.9.0 (also built from source) on a Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit server installed on a VMWare VM. During installation I had an error that Asterisk version does not match with currently supported versions. I commented that check, to run the code ahead. After commenting the check, on running sudo ./install_amp initial installation goes smoothly. Then it fails while installing the first update. Output:

-> Running PHP script /home/xeno/freePBX/freepbx/upgrades/1.10.007beta1/upgradecallgroups.php
Upgrading Call Groups..0 to check...

DB Error: no such table

Now, the printed OK is the last statement in the PHP file. I tried putting some out() statements in the parent script (libfreepbx.install.php) to see how far the script goes to determine the exact location of error. It seems that the upgradecallgroups.php never returns; the error is in this file not in the parent script.

It doesn't look like a compatibility error so I'm sure commenting the version check should not be relevant here.

I am not very fluent in PHP (can read code easily, though) and totally at a loss about this error. Being a beginner, I followed steps from this link for FreePBX installation: http://highsecurity.blogspot.in/2012/12/quick-and-dirty-asterisk-11-and-freepbx.html

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


It turns out that Database named as asterisk was needed along with asteriskcdrdb but wasn't mentioned in the tutorial.

Creating the database and all tables in it fixed the issue.

Cause: Some SQL scripts in the updates enforce usage of asterisk database, even if you override the database in initial settings. To resolve previous errors (which, BTW, also arose because the tutorial failed to mention asterisk database), I had also updated the scripts in initial installation to use asteriskcdrdb for ALL tables, but not in the scripts provided with updates. Turns out that it is far easier if you use the default (and proper) asterisk database instead of overriding all of the SQL scripts. The error was tricky as MySQL specified non-existing tables when the tables existed in a different database.

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