Inno Setup Compiler: How to modify file content

Ionut Flavius Pogacian

I am trying to read line by line the content of a text file;

I am looking for something, for a specific line.

I need to modify that line;

I need to save, the new content in another file, and then delete the original file and rename the new file with the original file name;

function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
  ExecInfo: TShellExecuteInfo;
  ExecInfoBrowser: TShellExecuteInfo;
  textFileFrom, textFileTo : text;
  line: string;
  Result := True;

  if CurPageID = wpFinished then
    ExecInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ExecInfo);
    ExecInfo.Wnd := 0;
    ExecInfo.lpFile := ExpandConstant('{app}') + '\{#Exewampmanager}';
    ExecInfo.nShow := SW_HIDE;
    if ShellExecuteEx(ExecInfo) then
        if WaitForSingleObject(ExecInfo.hProcess, 5000) = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
            until eof(textFileFrom);
               ExecInfoBrowser.cbSize := SizeOf(ExecInfo);
               ExecInfoBrowser.fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS;
               ExecInfoBrowser.Wnd := 0;
               ExecInfoBrowser.lpFile := 'http://localhost/cow';
               ExecInfoBrowser.nShow := SW_HIDE;

in the file i need to nodify this line: installDir = "c:/wamp"

because the new installation might not be in the same location

this is the conf file:

language = english
status = "offline"
wampserverVersion = 2.2
wampserverLastKnown = 2.2
installDir = "c:/wamp"
navigator = "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
defaultLanguage = english

phpVersion = "5.4.3"
phpLastKnown = 5.4.3
phpIniDir = .
phpConfFile = php.ini
phpExeDir = .

phpCliVersion = 5.4.3
phpExeFile = php.exe
phpCliFile = php-win.exe

apacheVersion = "2.2.22"
apacheLastKnown = 2.2.22
apacheExeDir = bin
apacheConfDir = conf
apacheExeFile = httpd.exe
apacheConfFile = httpd.conf
apacheServiceInstallParams = -n wampapache -k install
apacheServiceRemoveParams = -n wampapache -k uninstall

mysqlVersion = "5.5.24"
mysqlLastKnown = 5.5.24
mysqlConfDir = .
mysqlConfFile = my.ini
mysqlExeDir = bin
mysqlExeFile = mysqld.exe
mysqlServiceInstallParams = --install-manual wampmysqld
mysqlServiceRemoveParams = --remove wampmysqld

phpmyadminVersion = 3.5.1
sqlbuddyVersion = 1.3.3
webgrindVersion = 1.0

If that config file is in an INI file format, what seems to be, you can either use the [INI] section to modify a single value e.g. this way (note, that you must double double quotes to compile the script and have the value enclosed in double quotes). Of course the values I've showed here you can replace with constants as usually:

Filename: "{app}\wampmanager.conf"; Section: "main"; Key: "installDir"; String: """{app}"""

Or you can complicate things a bit by using code from the [Code] section:

AppName=My Program
DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program

function ChangeInstallDir(const FileName, InstallDir: string): Boolean;
  Result := SetIniString('main', 'installDir', '"' + InstallDir + '"', FileName);

procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
  if CurStep = ssPostInstall then
    if not ChangeInstallDir(ExpandConstant('{app}\wampmanager.conf'), 
        ExpandConstant('{app}')) then
      MsgBox('Saving to config file failed!', mbError, MB_OK);

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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