PHP Define a new PDO object inside class (outside function)

Dan Lindqvist

I am making a class with a couple function that requires some SQL stuff, and I do not want define a new PDO object for every function, but have a one that works on all functions.

This is what I got so far:

class UserSystem
    public $mysqlDetails = 
        "host"        => "",
        "user"        => "",
        "pass"        => "",
        "database"    => "",
        "table"       => ""

    public $con = new PDO
        "mysql:host=" . $this->mysqlDetails['host'] .
        ";dbname=" .    $this->mysqlDetails['database'] . ";",

How could I get this to work? Currently I get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW). Is there a better way to do this, so I can use the $con variable in functions without having to create a new one. I do not want to inject it into functions as I've seen suggested. IE this:

function someFunc ($pdo)
    $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `someTable`");

You cannot initialize class properties with anything but compile time resolvable constant values. You'll have to create the PDO object in the constructor:

public function __construct() {
    $this->con = new PDO(...);

Better yet, you should make your class accept a PDO object and dependency inject it, since I'd be guessing you need a database connection in more than just this one class, and you don't want to connect to the same database again and again in different classes:

public function __construct(PDO $con) {
    $this->con = $con;

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