NHibernate JOIN to temp table


I want to do some work in SQL, populating a temp table, and then JOIN to that temp table using an NHibernate CreateSQLQuery to get my final results. We are on version of NHibernate and I seem to be having problems accessing a temp table in a later query, even though I'm in the same session (I believe this means I'm in the same SQL Session/Connection as well). Below is a simplified version of my code

public void Work()
    SqlConnection connection = (SqlConnection)Session.Connection;

    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand
                         CommandType = CommandType.Text,
                         CommandText = "SELECT ID = 1 INTO #TempTable",
                         Connection = connection,

    if ( Session.Transaction != null && Session.Transaction.IsActive )
        Session.Transaction.Enlist( command );


    // Simplified example, I should have a temp table #TempTable with 1 row containing the values ID = 1

    // trying to fetch a list of Account objects where ID exists in #TempTable.
    // At this point, I get an error "Invalid object name '#TempTable'."
    IList<Account> accounts = Session.CreateSQLQuery(@"
        SELECT *
          FROM Account a
          JOIN #TempTable tt
            ON a.ID = tt.ID")
        .AddEntity("a", typeof(Account))

    // Do some work on accounts list

sessions get connections on demand, it is not guaranteed to get the same connection back. There are two possibilities to get the same connection every time:

  • using sessionFactory.OpenSession(myConnection); which ties the session to the provided connection.
  • implement IConnectionProvider which does the pooling of the connections

Option 1 is definitly easier

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