Drive C filled up all of a sudden

John Ng

I have windows 8 PC with 16GB Ram and 2TB hard drive. Drive C has 150GB allocation with only 3.5GB left. Drive D has more than 1TB left.

I use TeamViewer to remotely connect to my PC. This morning, all of a sudden, I get an alert in TeamViewer that my remote PC has low free space in Drive C. I haven't been monitoring this and after I checked, only 3GB is left.

I went inside drive C, made hidden files visible, selected everything and checked properties. It only shows 75GB worth of data. Something else is taking up space in my PC. Does anyone know what this could be and how to free it up. Before this happened, my PC became really slow and I restarted it. Now it's working fine, but it seems like it has eaten up some space.

I'm running 3 Virtual Machines constantly, 2 RDP sessions, video editing program, a couple of projects in Visual Studio and some other applications before restarting the PC.

UPDATE: I checked my Virtual Memory settings under Performance Options and it seems like the current allocated pagefile for all drives is 49152MB. I think this is what caused the full disk usage of drive C. Is it better to manually set the pagefile limit or just let the OS auto manage it? How can I clear up the currently allocated 50GB of pagefile?


Microsoft has a guide here on how to change the pagefile's size:

  • Open System in Control Panel.

  • On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.

  • On the Advanced tab, under Virtual memory, click Change.

  • Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.

  • Under Paging file size for selected drive, click Custom size, and type a new paging file size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB) box, and then click Set. If you decrease the size of either the initial or maximum page file settings, you must restart your computer to see the effects of those changes. Increases typically do not require a restart.

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