SQL Count Rows From Multiple tables

Gabriel Matusevich

Lets say i have 2 tables





each company has multiple users assign to it... which is referenced in the company_id field from each record in the users table

HOW can i get a record showing the (company_id), (company_name) and (number or users)

for eg:

id# 1234 | name# Microsoft | n of users# 2000 

I dont know how to make this query, i know i have to use the function COUNT() but i dont know how


If you want to get all companies even if they don't have any users yet use OUTER JOIN

SELECT c.company_id, c.name company_name, COUNT(u.id) no_of_users
  FROM companies c LEFT JOIN users u
    ON c.company_id = u.company_id
 GROUP BY c.company_id, c.name

Sample output:

|          1 |     Company1 |           3 |
|          2 |     Company2 |           2 |
|          3 |     Company3 |           0 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

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