Why does angularjs need IoC/DI?


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So Python doesn't need IoC/DI because it's dynamic scripting language already.

Javascript is also a dynamic scripting langauge, why does angularjs need DI then?

Is it because JSON <-> DOM is static? Could someone give me a minimal example?

Brian Genisio

Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular wasn't a necessary decision. Most other JavaScript frameworks don't have it built in. (Although look at Marionette, a framework built on top of Backbone.js... it includes an optional DI layer). Angular.js comes with a set of architectural opinions that help you separate your code. It was built in as a design decision, not a necessity.

The biggest reason it is necessary for YOU to use DI in Angular is because that is the way Angular works. The angular team could have decided to use an Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) library like Require.js. Instead they chose a DI pattern and baked it in for convenience.

The link you posted suggests that DI might be an anti-pattern in dynamic languages. I disagree with that. I'd just say that DI is less necessary in dynamic languages. In the case of Angular, however, it works well. They allow you to compose your system of parts and inject only what you need, when you need it. When you look at the way other frameworks do it, they (often) just namespace their Model/View/Controller/Template/Router parts in the global space (Like App.Models.Person in Backbone.js).

I find DI in Angular to be like "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Embrace the architectural decision. It feels good.

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