Setting up a dynamic webserver


I want to set up a webserver to use a personal search engine, recoll. This python script already provides a web-ui to query recoll : recoll-webui. I am able to access recoll from my browser on http://localhost:8080, but unable to access that page from other computers on my network.

I have setup a webserver using apache and can access a static page on my computer from other computers on my network. How can I go about forwarding the output that I get on localhost:8080 to the apache server ?

PS : Just putting a link to http://localhost:8080 on a static webpage does not work

PS : I'm on ubuntu 13.10


I am guessing that you run the recoll webui by executing the program ?

If this is the case, you need to change a line in the file for the server to accept connections from another host:'localhost', port=8080, reloader=False)'', port=8080, reloader=False)

As for running the interface under Apache, I never did it, but it's feasible as far as I know, I think that you need to look at this page in the bottle framework doc:

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