Can't find installed packages in Lubuntu

fer y

I just installed Lubuntu on my laptop and installed Pjsip on my lubuntu .

For compiling purposes I need to locate the PJSIP library but I don't seem to be able to locate them or other system files for that matter.

In my file manager only Desktop and Documents appear and some other folders which don't contain any of the installed files.

In Ubuntu it was easy there was an computer icon where I could browse through all the files i had installed.


In my file manager only Desktop and Documents appear and some other folders which don't contain any of the installed files.

In Ubuntu it was easy there was an computer icon where I could browse through all the files i had installed.

Assuming the file manager is PCManFM, to go "above" the home folder in which PCManFM opens by default, click the circled "^". If you've opened PCManFM to your home folder, clicking "^" twice will show you the system files such as /bin, /local, /usr and so on. The ">" and "<" are also used for navigation.


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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