How do I install MATLAB via the ISO?

Amadeus Bachmann

I am trying to install MATLAB R2010b to Ubuntu 12.04. I have the ISO file. First I copied it to my PC and then extracted it. Now it seems like I should run the install script. But I could not do that.

Here is the beginning of the install script to give you an opinion if it is not a script and I am doing something wrong:

# Name:
#    install -  script file for invoking the Multi-platform installer on Linux.
#    Usage: install [-h|help]"
#                              [-javadir <directory>] | [-root <directory>] |"
#                              [-test] | [-v|-verbose]"
#                              -h|-help        - Display arguments."
#                              -test           - Don't actually run the java
#                                                command (only useful with -v)."
#                              -v|-verbose     - Display settings."
#                              -javadir <directory>       - Override default java     root directory."
#                              -root <directory>          - Override default DVD root directory."
#              The default settings when no override inputs are supplied are: "
#              -root = <directory containing this script>/../"
#              -javadir = <root>/java/jre/$ARCH/jre'
# Copyright 2009-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.

How can I run this script? I tried to rename it as and then tried

 $ ./

from the command window but I got the following error:

root@ghostrider:/home/zero/Downloads/R2010b_UNIX# ./ 
Preparing installation files ...
Installing ...
./ line 562: /tmp/mathworks_7799/java/jre/glnx86/jre/bin/java: Permission     denied

Am I doing something wrong? Could you please help me?


Jorge Castro

You need to mount an ISO and then install it according to the set up instructions:

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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