defining a constant to be used in different namespace php 5.4


i have a problem accessing a constant that is defined in another namespace

this is the class that has the constant defined in

<?php namespace App\Box

class Green
  const COLOR = 'green';

this is the class that is used to instantiate an instance from the first class

<?php namespace App\Tests

use App\Box\Green

class Test1
   protected $box;

   public function __construct()
      $this->box = new Green;

i get the following error

Use of undefined constant COLOR - assumed 'COLOR'
George Brighton

It could be because wherever you've used /, you need to use \. This works for me:

namespace App\Box {
    class Green {
        const COLOR = 'green';

namespace App\Tests {

    use App\Box\Green;

    class Test1 {
        public function __construct() {
            echo Green::COLOR;

    $t = new Test1(); // green

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