Java math problems - Vote count to percentage

Jony Kale
private static int votePercentage() {
    int players = 0;
    for (int p = 0; h < PLAYERS; p++) {
        if (playersOnline[p] != null) {
    int votes = voters.size();
    int avg = (votes / players);
    return (avg * 100);

Votes: 1 Players: 2 return: 0

Votes: 2 Players: 2 return: 100


The problem is, that the returning nubmer is not an int, and is a double because 1/2 = 0.5. Therefore it will always return 0, unless the votes division by players is not a double and is a int.

Basically I want to return the percent of the voted users, out of all online players.

Is there a solution for this? maybe a java class or built-in function?


You need to use float (remember to change the function's return type!):

float avg = ((float)votes / players);

int can only store integers; it cannot store decimals. Only float and double (for double precision) can store decimal numbers.

You could also switch around your formula:

return ((votes * 100) / players);

Note that this will round down to the next integer.

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