Direction Vector To Rotation Matrix


How To Create Rotation matrix From Direction (unit vector)

My Matrix Is 3x3, Column Major, And Right Hand

I Know 'column1' is right, 'column2' is up and 'column3' is forward

But I Can`t Do This.

//3x3, Right Hand
struct Mat3x3
    Vec3 column1;
    Vec3 column2;
    Vec3 column3;

    void makeRotationDir(const Vec3& direction)
struct Mat3x3
    Vec3 column1;
    Vec3 column2;
    Vec3 column3;

    void makeRotationDir(const Vec3& direction, const Vec3& up = Vec3(0,1,0))
        Vec3 xaxis = Vec3::Cross(up, direction);

        Vec3 yaxis = Vec3::Cross(direction, xaxis);

        column1.x = xaxis.x;
        column1.y = yaxis.x;
        column1.z = direction.x;

        column2.x = xaxis.y;
        column2.y = yaxis.y;
        column2.z = direction.y;

        column3.x = xaxis.z;
        column3.y = yaxis.z;
        column3.z = direction.z;

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