Multiple Smart Pointer References to Same Object


After much time, I believe that the problem with my code is that I have multiple smart pointer references to the same object which causes the object to be deleted by more than one smart pointer. I have condensed the code as much as I can without taking away from the idea of the program.

Currently, the error that I am getting is a seg. fault. I believe that my double references get created at this line.


Is my problem a double reference to the same object and if so, how can I fix it?

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

#include "boost/weak_ptr.hpp"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

class TCPProtocol;
class CPU;
class TCPConnection;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<TCPProtocol> TCPProtocolPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<CPU> CPUPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<TCPConnection> TCPConnectionPtr;

class Protocol
    string GetName() const;
    string _name;

class TCPProtocol : public Protocol
        static TCPProtocolPtr Create(){return(TCPProtocolPtr(new TCPProtocol()));}
        static TCPProtocolPtr Create(const TCPProtocol &Protocol
            return(TCPProtocolPtr(new TCPProtocol(Protocol)));
        void SetCPU(boost::shared_ptr<CPU> CPU){ _CPU = CPU; }

        boost::weak_ptr<CPU> _CPU;

class CPU
    typedef std::map<std::string, TCPProtocolPtr> ProtocolMap;

        CPU(const CPU& obj);
        CPU(TCPConnectionPtr connection){}
        static CPUPtr Create(const TCPConnectionPtr connection)
            return(CPUPtr(new CPU(connection)));
        void AddProtocol(const TCPProtocolPtr ProtocolPtr);
        void SetCPU(boost::shared_ptr<CPU> CPU);
        ProtocolMap Protocols();
        const ProtocolMap Protocols() const;
        ProtocolMap _Protocols;

 class TCPConnection
          static TCPConnectionPtr Create()
              return(TCPConnectionPtr(new TCPConnection()));
          void SetVersion(int version){ _version = version; }       

          int _version;

int main()
    //Create a connection to an CPU
    TCPConnectionPtr CPUConnection = TCPConnection::Create();

    //Define needed connection parameters

    //Create an CPU
    CPUPtr CPU = CPU::Create(CPUConnection);

    //Create an instance of TCPProtocol
    TCPProtocolPtr ProtocolPtr = TCPProtocol::Create();

    //Add the protocol to the CPU

CPU::CPU(const CPU& obj) 
    //Iterate through rhs map and insert its pairs into the lhs map
    for(ProtocolMap::const_iterator i = obj._Protocols.begin(); 
         i != obj._Protocols.end(); ++i)
        TCPProtocolPtr p = TCPProtocol::Create();
        *p = *(i->second);

void CPU::AddProtocol(const TCPProtocolPtr ProtocolPtr)
    TCPProtocolPtr newProtocol = TCPProtocol::Create(*ProtocolPtr);
    std::string name = newProtocol->_name;
    _Protocols[name] = newProtocol;


After a hint from R. Martinho Fernandes in the comments, I used


to get rid of the double references. The sections of code that I updated are below.

I publicly inherited from boost::enable_shared_from_this<> and created a method called share that would return a reference to the object AND keep the reference count correct.

class CPU : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<CPU>
   boost::shared_ptr<CPU> Share()
       return shared_from_this();

void CPU::AddProtocol(const TCPProtocolPtr ProtocolPtr)
    _Protocols[name] = newProtocol;


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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