Why bindings do not work?

<textbox  id="nextTitleTextbox" readonly="true" value="@bind(ivm.inventory.successorTitleName)" />
<button   id="nextTitleButton" label="..." mold="trendy" onClick="@command('chooseFormerOrSuccessor', isFormer = false)"/>
<a        id="nextTitleHrefView" href="/inventory_new.do?method=edit&amp;docUID=${ivm.inventory.successorTitleName}">view</a>
<a        id="nextTitleHrefHistory" href="javascript:showRenamingHistory(${ivm.inventory.successorTitleName},${ivm.inventory.successorTitleName})">history</a>

The problem is in 'a' tags. Textbox and buttons works fine, but links in 'a' tags do not catch information from binding, so link there looks like /inventory_new.do?method=edit&amp;docUID=. I really don't understand what's wrong here, because I tried a lot of combination and something similar is working on other pages. Where is mistake in this binding?

I even tried to put string from zscript

        String successorTitleHref = "/inventory_new.do?method=edit&amp;docUID=" + ivm.inventory.successorTitleName;

But got exception:

Typed variable declaration : Class or variable not found: ivm.inventory.replacementTitleName.

Also, it's supported controls, that locates in separate file, and every control adding with use derective.

Aaron Digulla

Binding in ZK has nothing to do with variable replacement. @bind() doesn't mean you can use ${...}. The two are completely separate concepts even though both are called "EL Expression" in the manual. But binding EL Expression and ZUML EL Expressions are two different things.

To allow access to ivm in a zscript, you need to define this variable somewhere in the script. One way is to instantiate it:

IVM ivm = new IVM();

or you can use a custom variable resolver.

Collected from the Internet

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