How can I rewrite this a generic?

Vaughan Hilts

I have the following piece of code:

 public Component GetComponent(Type type)
        return Components.FirstOrDefault(component => component.GetType() == type);

The caller has to do a nasty cast to get the component it passed in - how can I rewrite this to a cast-less generic?

Scott Chamberlain

If I read your question correctly, you can move the cast inside the function and do it this way.

public T GetComponent<T>() where T : Component
    return (T)Components.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType() == typeof(T));

If the type is not known at compile time going in to the function (like, say GetComponet() is called in a loop where the type is passed in as a argument) there is no way to get a strongly typed object back.

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