Put dotNet Install Package Locally with WPF Program

Eric Yin

I have a WPF program, a standalone one, copy from "Release" directory. So its a green software without installation.

BUT it requires .net 4.0 installed. So I have "dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" on the distribution USB disk.

Problem is, when my program run on XP (without .net 4.0), it will say it needs .net 4.0 and ask user if they want to go online to download it even I have a local copy on the disk.

My question is, is there anyway let the program install the .net locally without go online to download.

Ming Slogar

I had exactly the same problem.

Eventually I bit the bullet and created a native C++ bootstrapper (no .NET required to execute) which checked if .NET was installed, and if not, installed it. The bootstrapper then started up the .NET program.

Collected from the Internet

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