Postgres - compare to a null-timestamp


hi this is not really a problem i just want to understand why:

in postgres 9


evaluates to true, why? lastModified is a timestamp without timezone

i think it would be more logic to interpret it like "this_.lastModified<=0" which should evaluate to false if 0 is the lowest date and lastModified is a normal date

the complete query looks like this

from Entity this_ 
inner join DEntity d2_ on 
inner join u u1_ on this_.learner=u1_.userID 
inner join LMEntity m3_ on 
where u1_.userID='XXXX' and not (d2_.hardwareID='muh' and this_.timestamp='2013-08-02 00:00:00' and and this_.lastModified<=NULL)
Igor Romanchenko

this_.lastModified<=NULL always evaluates to null and in this case your where clause is effectively:

where u1_.userID='XXXX' and not (d2_.hardwareID='muh' and this_.timestamp='2013-08-02 00:00:00' and and null)

if all of the comparisons here:

d2_.hardwareID='muh' and this_.timestamp='2013-08-02 00:00:00' and

evaluates to 'true' the this whole clause evaluates to true:

where u1_.userID='XXXX' and not (true and null)

true and null evaluates to null

where u1_.userID='XXXX' and not null

not null evaluates to null

where u1_.userID='XXXX' and null

if u1_.userID='XXXX' equal true, u1_.userID='XXXX' and null evaluates to null

and where null is equal to where false.

In short, the whole

where u1_.userID='XXXX' and not (d2_.hardwareID='muh' and this_.timestamp='2013-08-02 00:00:00' and and this_.lastModified<=NULL)

will evaluate to null if u1_.userID='XXXX' and all of d2_.hardwareID='muh' and this_.timestamp='2013-08-02 00:00:00' and gives true

Collected from the Internet

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