Why does bootstrap accept form styling for only one highly specific css classes?


I have a jsbin with a table of inputs, using bootstrap. What confuses me is that the style with

input.someClass {
    background-color: blue;

is applied, as expected, but

.anotherClass {
    background-color: green;

is not applied to my input elements. What is the reason for this? For reference, check out http://jsbin.com/enaris/3/edit

Jason Yaraghi

What is the reason for this?

It's simply a matter of specificity - the first selector has a type selector attached to the class name whereas the second selector only has a single class. The second selector is therefore more specific and takes precedence.

This is migrated from another answer of mine, it may help:

You can think of specificity as four numbers, starting with (0,0,0,0):

  • !important rules always take precedence, only another !important rule can override a previous one (its an accessibility feature of CSS, designed to override the UA stylesheet)
  • The universal selector (*) has a specificity of 0
  • Combinators like + and ~ also have no specificity
  • Inline styles have the highest specificity (other than !important) and count as the first number (1,0,0,0)
  • ID's (#test) count as the second number in the above set (0,1,0,0)
  • Classes, pseudo-classes and attribute selectors are the third number (0,0,1,0)
  • Type selectors and psuedo-elements (e.g. - <p> & ::after) take place of the fourth number, and are the least specific
  • Remember that if two rules have the same specificity and specify the same property the latter in the stylesheet will win

Based on the above, the first selector has a specifictiy of (0,0,1,1) while the second only has (0,0,1,0)

Collected from the Internet

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