Best Design Pattern for a WPF MVVM application


I´m developping a project using WPF + MVVM. The program needs to load objects (cases) from a repository and allow the user to edit it. The main functionalities are:

  • CRUD of cases
  • Know which cases have been loaded
  • Know which case is currently selected

Currently, the version 0.1 uses a singleton class Session (in namespace model) to store a list from all cases loaded.

There is also a "Case Management" service that perform several operations in the Session singleton:

  • Load a case from the repository and store it in Session
  • Remove cases
  • Verify if a case is valid
  • Select a case for editing

I´m new to WPF, and I would like to know if there is a design pattern that is suitable for this situation. I´m afraid that I´m not going to the right direction.

I dont know if I have provided all information needed, but I´m willing to answer any question as fast as I can.

Here if a prototype

Example of a Load operation

Ibrahim Najjar

Your design is fine, i can't see anything wrong.

I would suggest one thing though, get rid of that singleton session object and use dependency injection, and let the DI container decide what life strategy to use for the Session object at the application composition root.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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