Excel - How to get expression text rather than the value

Harry Ninh

I'm having problem with a big set of Excel data. One others had inputted the data like this:


My task is to convert it to something like this:


I was trying to use substitute:

= SUBSTITUTE(A1, "10", "Pig")

But the problem is, Excel recognizes those value in A column as other data types (number, time...) and the SUBSTITUTE doesn't work on those types.

How could I fix this issue?

Thank you.


This function will return a string that matches what excel is displaying.

Option Explicit

Function ToText(r As Range) As String
If r.Count <> 1 Then
    ToText = "#ERR!"
    Exit Function
End If
ToText = IIf(r.NumberFormat = "General", CStr(r.Value), Format(r.Value, r.NumberFormat))
End Function

for example, if 10:11:12 is in A1, which excel thinks is a time, and is formatted this way, then =ToText(A1) will return the string 10:11:12, which you can then manipulate as you would any other text

put this into a module on the spreadsheet ( ALT + F11 ) so the function is available to excel

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