Keyboard shortcuts for each input language


Can I set up keyboard shortcuts for each input language? For example I want to set "Ctrl + 8" for English, "Ctrl + 9" for Ukrainian and "Ctrl + 0" for Russian languages. I don't want to switch and search language I need. It takes time. I want directly to turn language I want. I had this ability in Windows. Maybe I need to install some plugin?


Go to System Settings - Keyboard - Shortcuts. Click on "Add" button.

(See here for how to create a custom shortcut:

enter image description here

For the name write,for example name of the input language - "English".

For the command write

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources current 0

Here 0 indicates the number of the input language. (0 for the first one, 1 for the second one, etc.)

Then press on create a shortcut button and press the key combination you want.

Change the number according to the order of input languages. For example write

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources current 1

for creating a shortcut for the second language.

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