How can i write condition in jqgrid colmodel


Can u help me. I have the following colmodel:

colNames: ["Name","Value", "upper limit", "lower limit", "stock"],
            colModel: [
                { name: 'Num', index:'num', align:"center", sortable:false,width: 40, resizable:false },
                { name: 'Value', index:'Value', align:"center", width: 70,
                    cellattr: function (rowId, cellValue, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
                        // {
                        //     if (rawObject[1] >= 300 || rawObject[1] <= 50) {
                        //         var colorText = 'style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 24px;+colorText"';
                        //     } else {
                        //         var colorText = 'style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 24px;color:red"';
                        //     };  return(colorText);}},
                        console.log (rawObject[1])

                {name:'upper', index:'upper', align:"center", width: 25, resizable:false,editable:true,
                    cellattr: function(rowId, val, rawObject){return 'style="font-size: 15px;"';}},
                {name:'lower', index:'lower', align:"center", width: 25, resizable:false, editable:true,
                    cellattr: function(rowId, val, rawObject){return 'style="font-size: 15px;"';}},
                { name: 'stock', index:'stock', align:"center", sortable:false,width: 40, resizable:false }

Below is what I get from get-data.php.

$array = array(
array("1","$f1rst", "300","50"),//: Закладочный ствол
array("2","$second","350","60"),//: Клетьевой ствол
array("3","$three","120","20"),//: Портал
array("4","$four","200","20"),//: Скиповой ствол
array("5","$five","200","0"));//: ЦВС

if (empty($array)) {
    echo '["Нет данных"]';
else {echo json_encode($array);}

index.php example

I need to compare values. For example: there is the first value in the first cell equal to 60. If 'value'> = 300 or 'value' <= 50, then paint the cell red. Next, the second cell. If value> = 350 or value <= 60. And so with all five meanings.

upd. In my example, the code doesn't work. It does a conditional check on the entire column. And I need for each cell

upd2. see how it works enter image description here


Tony Tomov gave the correct answer. Thank you very much, everything worked out and everything works

Below is a link to an example


 {label: 'Название', name: 'Num', index: 'num', align: "center", sortable: false, width: 40, resizable: false},
          label: 'Значение', name: 'Value', index: 'Value', align: "center", width: 70,
          cellattr: function (rowId, cellValue, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
            if (rdata["Num"] === '1' && (rdata['Value'] >= 300 || rdata['Value'] <= 50)) {
              return ' class="class1" ';
            } else if (rdata["Num"] === '2' && (rdata['Value'] >= 350 || rdata['Value'] <= 60)) {
              return ' class="class1" ';
            } else if (rdata["Num"] === '3' && (rdata['Value'] >= 120 || rdata['Value'] <= 20)) {
              return ' class="class1" ';
            } else if (rdata["Num"] === '4' && (rdata['Value'] >= 200 || rdata['Value'] <= 20 || isNaN(rdata['Value']))) {
              return ' class="class1" ';
            } else if (rdata["Num"] === '5' && (rdata['Value'] >= 200 || rdata['Value'] <= 0)) {
              return ' class="class1" ';

Collected from the Internet

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