Using variables for creating objects and calling methods in Java

Jagadish Dabbiru

Hi Everyone I am beginner in java and came across a question like Can I use variables for creating objects and calling methods to reuse the code.

public class Tesla extends Car {
    public void buy(){
        System.out.println("Tesla bought");
     public void sell(){
        System.out.println("Tesla Sold");

public class Ford extends Car {
    public void buy(){
        System.out.println("Ford bought");
     public void sell(){
        System.out.println("Ford Sold");

public class Car {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            String[][] arr = {{"Tesla, Buy"},{"Ford", "Sell"},{"Benz", "Sell"}};
            Car car = new Tesla();
            Car car = new Ford();
        public void buy() {
            System.out.println("Car bought");           
        public void sell() {
            System.out.println("Car Sold");         

Here instead of creating each object I just want to use one for loop and create respective object and respective method based on the array elements. Logic like below.

 public static void main(String[] args) {
   String[][] arr = {{"Tesla, Buy"},{"Ford", "Sell"},{"Benz", "Sell"}};
    for(int i = 0;i<arr.length-1;i++){
    Car car = new arr[i][0]();

How to achieve above logic? Is this something achievable in Java? I searched in google couldn't find relevant questions or problems. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Note:- I don't want a workaround I just want to know the if logic is achievable using any advanced java concepts I am unaware of.

Basil Bourque

If you want to instantiate objects of various subclasses according to string inputs, you have at least two options:

  • Reflection
  • Builder pattern


As commented by Nikolaus, one route is to use Java’s reflection facility. This is the “magic” way, where you would find at runtime the name of the class matching your string input. For example, "Tesla" string would lead you to loading an object of type Class representing the Tesla class you wrote at compile time. You would call methods on that Class object to create an instance of your subclass. In other words, you are programmatically doing a roundabout replacement for the code new Tesla(…).

I do not recommend going the reflection route. This is not “normal” Java app programming. Reflection is usually done only in certain kinds of frameworks and in special rare circumstances.

Builder pattern

The other route more commonly used is the Builder pattern. You define another class called something like CarBuilder. You pass your text values into one or more methods of an object of this type CarBuilder. Those methods validate the inputs.

When done setting up the various pieces of input, you eventually call a method conventionally called build. That method produces and returns an object of type Car. That Car object is actually from a subclass, is actually a Tesla or Ford.

CarBuilder builder = new CarBuilder() ;
builder.setBrand( "Tesla" ) ;
builder.set… = … ;
Car car = ;  // Actually a `Tesla` subclass object. 

Collected from the Internet

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