function without argument doesnt work. but why?


i want ask a simple question. i have 2 classes. i got many functions. i keep functions on class operationsOnFiles(), and ui elements on class UI_MainWindow(object). i use a btnSetRandomWallpaper button call settingRandomWallpaper() function with liste argument and it didnt work. so i used lambda there. then it works. i tried to do same thing with my other function updateList(). it doesnt have any argument. same errors and i used lambda there too. no error but no action too. am i missing a point? or something?

class operationsOnFiles():
    def settingRandomWallpaper(self, liste):
        selectedWallpaper = random.choice(liste)
        os.system("gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri /home/$USER/Projects/src/" + selectedWallpaper)
    def updateList():
selfish = operationsOnFiles()

class Ui_MainWindow(object):
    def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
        self.btnSetRandomWallpaper.clicked.connect(lambda: selfish.settingRandomWallpaper(selfish.wallpapers))
        self.btnUpdateList.clicked.connect(lambda: operationsOnFiles.updateList)

The connect event is called without parameters. If the target function needs some parameters known at the time the listener is created, you can use a lambda to bind that value. If the target doesn't need parameters, you don't need the intermediate lambda. In your case the the problem is that you created a lambda that just returns the method you want. Minimally it should call the method. But since it doesn't need an additional parameter the lambda isn't needed at all.


This will expose the next bug in your code, updateList needs a self (def updateList(self):. And then calling super's __init__ is really strange.

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