how to update a value in firebase realtime database using Cloud Functions for Firebase

Thooyavan Manivaasakar

I went though the firebase docs for updating a value in realtime database using Cloud Functions for Firebase, but am not able to understand.

My database structure is

 "user" : {
    "-KdD1f0ecmVXHZ3H3abZ" : {
      "email" : "[email protected]",
      "first_name" : "John",
      "last_name" : "Smith",
      "isVerified" : false
    "-KdG4iHEYjInv7ljBhgG" : {
      "email" : "[email protected]",
      "first_name" : "Max1",
      "last_name" : "Rosse13131313l",
      "isVerified" : false
    "-KdGAZ8Ws6weXWo0essF" : {
      "email" : "[email protected]",
      "first_name" : "Max1",
      "last_name" : "Rosse13131313l",
      "isVerified" : false

I want to update the isVerified using database trigger cloud functions. I don't know how to update a database value using cloud functions (language : Node.JS)

I wrote a code to automatically update the value of the key 'isVerified' of a user, when the user is created by using database trigger onWrite. My code is

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

const admin = require('firebase-admin');

exports.userVerification = functions.database.ref('/users/{pushId}')
    .onWrite(event => {
    // Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
    var eventSnapshot =;

    if ( {

        "isVerified": true

but when i deploy the code, and add a user to the database, the cloud function log shows the below error

TypeError: eventSnapshot.child(...).update is not a function
    at exports.userVerification.functions.database.ref.onWrite.event (/user_code/index.js:10:36)
    at /user_code/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/cloud-functions.js:35:20
    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:129:7)
Doug Stevenson

You are trying to call update() on a DeltaSnapshot object. There is no such method on that type of object.

var eventSnapshot =;
    "isVerified": true
}); is a DeltaSnapshot. If you want to change the data at the location of the change represented by this object. Use its ref property to get a hold of a Reference object:

var ref =;
    "isVerified": true

Also, if you are reading or writing the database in a function, you should always return a Promise that indicates when the change is complete:

return ref.update({
    "isVerified": true

I would recommend taking Frank's advice from the comments and study the existing sample code and documentation to better understand how Cloud Functions works.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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