Error when importing a module


I am creating a useful powershell module for myself, for repetitive tasks.

As an example I will use one function within the module.

function GetUserInfo
    $user_name = $env:UserName
    $user_domain = $env:UserDomain
    $user_computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $user_ip = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($user_computer);
    $user_ip = $user_ip[1].IPAddressToString

    return $user_info = "$user_domain/$user_ip/$user_computer/$user_name"
export-modulemember -function GetUserInfo

Every time I try to load the module

Import-Module \\erpscriptprod\Library\PowerShell\PowerShell_BaseLibrary.ps1

I get the followoing error...

The Export-ModuleMember cmdlet can only be called from inside a module

I am new to powershell, but from where I'm sitting, I swear I am calling it inside the module. I can't seem to find the error online, but I doubt I'm the only person to experience this.


Rename your *.ps1 file to *.psm1. You can only export members from a module, when you call Export-ModuleMember.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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